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Scrum Training & Agile Coaching for the Real World

Change doesn't happen overnight. It happens daily in small accomplishments. Business agility can be achieved incrementally following the basic values and principles of Agile. 


Agile Ala Carte provides change management, coaching and training to help teams identify existing strengths and opportunities for growth. Whether the need is small or large, each step forward tests organizations to not only adapt to change but to embrace the learning opportunities that present themselves. 

Lola Stice



Certified Agile Coach, Certified Professional Scrum Master, Certified Professional Product Owner, Scrum Trainer, Certified LeSS Practitioner and Scaled Agile SAFe4 practitioner

Working primarily in the Fintech and BioMedical segments, Lola has worked for major corporations, startups and in between for over 20 years to help them achieve their technology and business goals.  She has been consulting since 2012 and has competencies in software quality and data management.  Lola is certified as both Professional Scrum Master and Product Owner Advanced Certifications as well as several Agile coaching and scaling methodologies

Our Services


Available for Business-to-business, W-2 or FTE positions. Experience in coaching or working with remote and off-shore teams, co-located or hybrid teams.

Contract Scrum Master

On-site or remote. Experienced at Scrum of Scrum Master level or team level.

Departmental Agile Coaching

Coach leadership, functional manager and organizational adoptions tailored to specific needs. Process maturity assessments.

On-Site Training

In house large group training or skill building workshops as needed.

Public Training

Unavailable at this time.

Change Management

Assist departments or organizations in harmonizing across groups or processes.

Product Owner Coaching

Serve the team and support Product Owners implementing better product discovery practices.


Lola - Thank you for all you are doing! You have been a scrum master, a product owner, a coach, an educator and a leader over the last 3+ months. You have improved processes and communication plus you are making sure the important work that needs to get done is getting attention. I appreciate you and feel fortunate to work with you. Brent

Brent Evans Director of Software Service

Corelation Inc


Clients and Locations

Based out of San Diego, California
Available locally or available to travel or coach remotely

Orange County, CA

Los Angeles, CA

Mountain View/Silicon Valley

San Francisco City/Foster City

Seattle, WA

Denver, CO

Phoenix, AZ

Austin, TX

Houston, TX

Dallas, TX

Raleigh, North Carolina

Reston, Virginia

Vancouver, British Columbia

Cambridge, United Kingdom

New Delhi, India

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